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Frequently Asked Questions

What should students do after 8th hour? (3:45 PM) 
Arrangements must be made to pick up students between 3:45 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. each day. Students are to leave the academic areas, locker bays, and commons areas by 4:00 P.M. each school day. Students should wait by the south or north entrance for their ride or the bus. We ask all students to take their belongings from their lockers when they leave for the day.

Should I just skip class if I am more than ten minutes late?  
Some students have been coming to attendance stating they didn't go to class because they were more than ten minutes late and would have received a truancy anyway. That is NOT TRUE! If you are late, you are marked late, which counts as an absence, not as a truancy. You are better off going late than not going at all.

What should a student do if they miss announcements in the morning? 
In addition to the televised announcements, we post announcements on the window outside the school office and on our school website. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure they know what the day's announcements are.