Testing Resources
North High School Code: 350-568
ACT or ACT Plus Writing
- Preferred by regional colleges
- Required by ND Scholars program in June following Junior year
- Can help students qualify for potential scholarship money through the state of North Dakota’s North Dakota Scholarship
- Required for ND State Scholarship by February National Test Date during senior year
- Tests reading, mathematics, English, science reasoning and writing
- College Readiness scores of: English 18, math 22, reading 21, science 24, writing 7+
- Perfect sub-score 36 and perfect composite is 36
- Students register online at www.act.org
ACT Fee Waiver Program (Check with your school counselor to see if you are eligible to apply)
SAT and/or SAT Subject Tests
- Preferred by highly selective colleges
- Required for National Merit Scholarship Competition
- Tests critical reading, mathematics and writing or individual subject areas
- College Readiness scores of 500 in each category
- Perfect sub-score is 800
- Perfect composite 2400
- Can help students qualify for potential scholarship money through the state of North Dakota’s North Dakota Scholarship
- Students register online at http://sat.collegeboard.org/home
SAT Fee Waivers (Check with your school counselor to see if you are eligible to apply)
Advanced Placement (AP) Testing
For more info, click here.
For the 2024-2025 school year:
- Advanced Placement (AP) testing is now coordinated through the District Office rather than each individual high school. For assistance, please contact AP testing coordinators:
Karen Moore moorek@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-1053
Kim Rensch renschk@fargo.k12.nd.us (701) 446-1160
College Board Student Help Line: 1-888-225-5427
- Measures knowledge and skills
- Helps students learn about their strengths and interests
- Helps predict future academic and occupational success
- Gives students insight into their options and planning next steps after high school
- Can be used for military enlistment if you choose
- One of the indicators that the state of North Dakota has identified on their Choice Ready pathway, which is a yearly measurement for all North Dakota high schools
- Can help students qualify for potential scholarship money through the state of North Dakota’s North Dakota Scholarship
For more info, click here.
For the 2024-2025 school year:
- Fargo North will be administering the ASVAB for all juniors on Wednesday, April 9.
- For seniors who want to retake the ASVAB, Fargo North will be administering the test on Wednesday, December 4. A registration form will be sent to seniors in November.
- If you have any questions, please reach out to Tracy Cramer, Career Advisor.
- The WorkKeys consists of three tests: Workplace Documents, Applied Math and Graphic Literacy
- A score of at least 5 on each of the three tests can help students qualify for potential scholarship money through the state of North Dakota’s North Dakota Scholarship
For more info, click here.
For the 2024-2025 school year:
- Fargo North will be administering the WorkKeys to seniors in December, January and February. A registration form will be sent to seniors before each scheduled test.
- Students will be required to pay for the WorkKeys ($13.50 per test).
- If you have any questions, please reach out to Tracy Cramer, Career Advisor.
Test Prep Resources
My College QuickStart Website - Test prep for students who took the PSAT and want to prepare for the SAT
WorkKeys Assessments Online Practice Test - Test prep for WorkKeys