Post-Secondary Planning
North Dakota Career Resource Network
Provided by the ND Department of Career and Technical Education is a resource for students, educators and parents.
Career OneStop
U.S. Department of Labor resource which can be used to explore careers by looking at occupations and industries, salary and benefits, education and training, job seeking skills including resumes and interviews.
North Dakota's Labor Market Information website provides labor market information specific to North Dakota.
Minnesota's Career Education and Job Resource; a resource which allows you to explore careers, plan your education and find a job.
Vocational Information Center
This resource may be used to explore vocational and technical careers.
O*NET OnLine
U.S. Department of Labor Online Occupational Information Network; O*NET has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, students, researchers, and more!
North Dakota Job Service
A source for labor market information.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Department of Labor provides information on hundreds of jobs including training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do and working conditions.